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The objective of marketing and ginning of cotton is to support the farmers for getting reasonable price and to stable the cotton market in the country. Cotton is a cash crop and its marketing directly linked with international trade. Therefore, its market is relatively rather complex. Cotton market in the country is leaded by the private sectors. CDB purchases some seed cotton from the contact growers for seed purpose. CDB also purchases some seed cotton from general farmers in order to help farmers in marketing seed cotton and ensure reasonable price. Prices of seed cotton and lint are fixed by a committee constituted by the Government. CDB has 05 ginning centers located at different cotton growing zones. There are more than 40 active private ginneries for cotton marketing in the country. They play a vital important role in marketing and ginning of seed cotton. Private ginneries purchase seed cotton from the farmers directly or through local Traders / Farias. After ginning of seed cotton they sell lint (cotton fibre) to the Spinning mills.